Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hosta after hail...

It's been too long since I've posted a photo. The usual excuses apply. To remedy this, I turn to a reliable and beautiful Spring occurrence: our hosta - rendered in nearly black and white.

Our hosta has once again come surging out of the ground like a Saturn Five rocket. However, the other night we - and it - experienced some fairly severe, if short term, hail. The hail was roughly the size of moth balls and in it's short time on stage took it's toll on the hosta and our young maple tree.

The hosta marshals on; elegant in spite of it all and proudly displaying it's wounds.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Meg and I made a quick stop a couple weeks ago in Asbury Park NJ. which is crawling back from years of urban blight. Through it all, the Stone Pony has endured and we see that Southside Johnny will be there July 2nd with Steve Forbert opening. Road trip anyone?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring, Sun, Rain...

The other evening, after a fairly dismal, overcast, depressing and truly dank day, the sun suddenly popped out at about six in the evening. The odd things was, it just started to rain harder and harder! This went on for a few minutes and then suddenly the clouds descended and we experienced our first thunderstorm of the year. 

You gotta love the weather in New England!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Edwin Forsythe Wildlife Refuge...

While I couldn't resist the black and white conversion of Meg's photo below, this view of the Edwin Forsythe Wildlife Refuge from an observation platform in the otherwise pancake flat area gives a better idea of what it was like to be there. The salt marshes there are home to a gazillion different species of birds most of whom were feeding during our low tide visit. 

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Jersey Shore...

We were lucky enough recently to visit the Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge outside Atlantic City, NJ. It was a truly amazing place *full* of birds and other wildlife, all within viewing distance of the casinos. Meg captured this juxtaposition under heavy skies.

Skowhegan #9

My last picture from this walk through Skowhegan is one of the "nearly falling down" buildings on the downtown corner across from Skowhegan Savings Bank. It is hurting for sure but cast a colorful reflection in the early morning light.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Skowhegan #8

Downtown Skowhegan - early in the morning. Along with a head on shot of the J. Palmer Merrill building.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Skowhegan #7

The inscription on the Skowhegan Library. What a beautiful old building - though I think my Mom has told me that their roof needs some work...

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Skowhegan #6

Another named building in downtown Skowhegan. It's interesting to me to think of the entire story behind such a building. What is the back story here? Who was A.B. Borden and what did they do? What was their connection to Skowhegan such that they not only built this building but decided to put their name on it? History is lurking everywhere.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Skowhegan #5

A shot of one of the really nice older buildings in downtown Skowhegan.