Saturday, February 28, 2009

Summer Sunflowers...

In the last week, we've been busy trying to find pictures from the last year to submit to the local paper's photo contest. A number of our favorite pictures unfortunately didn't work well in the required 8x10 aspect ratio so I thought I'd get some of them up on the blog. These pictures were taken late in the summer and late in the day on in a beautiful field of sunflowers.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Winter Cardinal

We have caught quick glimpses of a cardinal or two lately. Today in the snowstorm I was able to get close enough for this shot. This appears to be a female but we think we've seen a male as well. Hope that they stick around this summer!

More Deer...

This beauty was munching on the remnants of last summer's brown eyed susans...

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I managed to get this shot through the window though she seemed to have a bead on me as well...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Morning Finches

There are hundreds of finches who visit us through the day, enjoying the black oil sunflower seed we put out every morning. They generally fly away in droves when we open the door to go out. These brave souls tolerated our presence enough for quick snap in the dull morning light.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Vermont Church...

I took this shot this past weekend of one of my favorite spots around here: the church in West Fairlee Center.