Saturday, August 16, 2008

Busy Bee...

This fellow was working the brown eyed susans this morning...
While this fellow was working the sunflower circuit...

Friday, August 08, 2008

So long New Harbor...

Later afternoon goodbye to the sea here in New Harbor...


I finally had a morning where I actually got up to see the sun rise - and we weren't completely socked in with clouds.

An island (Western Egg Rock perhaps?) out across the way as the sun topped the horizon...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Harrington Meeting House Cemetery

We walked the cemetery behind the Harrington Meeting House and Museum this afternoon. It holds many, many people taken by the sea, either through war (there were many Captains - though Meg points out these could be ship's captains not military Captains) or through commerce, specifically whaling. Also an awful proportion of children; many families experiencing the loss of many children before age twenty.

Oh, and it was kind of a spooky place...

Evening Buoy...

We've had a rainy time this week but the other night we had a beautiful end to the day, with the sun shining it's last rays on the buoy outside the New Harbor harbor.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Pemaquid Point...

We took a rainy walk this afternoon over the rocks of Pemaquid Point...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Evening Light...

Meg snapped this shot of an absolutely beautiful sunset here in New Harbor. The boat coming by is the Hardy Boat Evening Cruise...

Roughin It...

Meg snapped this picture of me working hard to get through another tough day here in New Harbor. Where are the fried oysters?

Dogs in Boats...

An interesting theme to the day. First a dog on a lobster boat in New Harbor, shown here skiffing back to the dock with the boat captain...

... then later in the day in Pemaquid Harbor...

Fast and Slow...

I've been taking entirely too many pictures of moving water lately. I thought this pair kind of interesting. The first is mid-afternoon with bright light and a fast shutter.

The second is late afternoon with softer light and a slower shutter as the water recedes from the rocky shore.

Monday, August 04, 2008


We visited the Rachael Carson Salt Pond yesterday evening as the sun was setting. At the same time, a wild storm approached with the bright sunlight falling in front of the dark clouds. The gulls seemed to almost panic and the raindrops fell.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


This is our friend "Buddy". He adopted us (and perhaps others who rent here?) and taught us a few things about manners. When another gull comes around, he tilts his head back and squawks until the offender moves on. However, he also allows his girlfriend - her name is "Belinda" - to come by and even seems to encourage her to help herself to any handouts that may be around.

He seems nicer than a lot of people I know and he knows how to pose for a portrait.

Afternoon Sun and Surf...

Morning Downpour...